Simon Arndal, David Herreborg and Georgi Petrov
Status 1/11-2010Today we focus on testing the snort setup and try to make "some"
alerts appear in the "Alerts"-section.
Furthermore we will prepare a demonstration the 03/11-2010.
Done today:The setup is the same as the earlier, but with small differences in the areares of how snort works now.
There have been added another snort interface on the WAN-side with the "Block"-option disabled.
This basically means that we have added an IDS system, which alerts instead of just blocking.
The troubles we have had untill now was that the "Block"-option have been enabled from the start. This enabling turns the snort interface into an IPS, which doesn't alert, but only blocks.
Screenshot of the new snort interface setup: Screenshot of the alerts:
Screenshot of the alerts:Timeline (PROGRESS)
Done so far:
--> 27/10-2010 <--
- Hardware requirements fullfilled (except one missing NIC)
- Software required installed (open source programs used)
- pfSense installed (Router/firewall software)
- Apache and MySQL are up and running (Webserver and Database)
- phpMyAdmin installed and works (Graphical User Interface for the MySQL database)
- HSLAB HTTP Monitor Lite installed (Apache monitoring software)
- Set up HSLAB HTTP Monitor Lite.
- Done research about snort + snort together with pfSense.
- Presentation of work so far and basic idea. --> kl. 09:56
--> 28/10-2010 <--
- Network interface card has been inserted to the pfSense PC.
- Presentation of the progress and the setup of "Caps WebDesign" --> kl. 12:23- Find another solution for monitoring the Apache server traffic internally (Simon)
- Make the Apache and MySQL more reliable (Simon)
- Add a Network Interface Card to the pfSense machine (David)
- Install snort package for pfSense (Georgi)
- Setup Weblog Expert Lite (Software that replaces the HSLAB) and it is working.
--> 01/11-2010 <--- Add rules to the snort IPS system (Common task)
- Decide on whether pfSense is the right system for us to use (Common task)
- We have chosen to move on with pfSense and Snort together.
- Get snort to work probberaly
What to do: (new tasks: output in green) for the 2nd of November 2010
- Find out what rules should be added to snort for alerting and blocking apache-webserver intrusion. (Gerogi)
- Search for common server vulnerbilities (Georgi,Simon)
- Find out what is metasploit (Common task)
- Find interesting metaspoilts (Common task)
What to do (future events):
- Do penetration testing with metasploit. (Common task)